An idea I found particularly clever (and enjoyed being a part of recently) is author Paula Brown’s pay-it-forward travelling road show for her one-year-old nonfiction book, Fur Shui. Fur Shui explores the principles of chi, or energy, used in the traditional Chinese practice of feng shui and describes how to use them to create healthy and happy environments for animals. An animal communicator and graphic designer, Paula Brown came up with the idea of celebrating her acclaimed book’s one year anniversary with an exchange program she calls The Tour de Fur.
To kick off the tour, Paula sent out eight copies of Fur Shui to pet owners who wrote in by email offering to participate. After the first eight readers received their books, Paula asked them to pass the books on to other pet owners and animal lovers across the globe. Those who receive Fur Shui must take a photo of themselves and the book; the book and their animal(s); or just the book in their geographical location. Paula asks that they email a copy of the photo to her, sign and date the book, listing what city they’re in, and then pass it forward.After six months, Paula plans to call in the eight copies and see “just how full of love and signatures” the books will be. She provides instructions inside each copy for where to send it when it’s full, and also offers a free animal chakra reading to each pet owner who forwards a copy to another person.
Paula’s set up a new blog at, to track her books’ adventures and show off the photos that she hopes will come in from all over the globe. Check out her blog and her website at to see what’s happening with this creative author’s first birthday celebration for her imaginative book, Fur Shui.